I hope you will tell Salazar not to start WWIII also.
Salazar's address is included at the bottom of the letter, if you want to use it. I plan to add other forms of contact information as well.
Here is my letter along with the original from the Center for Biological Diversity.
"The Center for Biological Diversity and other environmental
groups have called on Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to say no to BP’s Liberty
project until proper environmental reviews can be completed. The decision about
whether to risk destroying the Arctic as BP has destroyed the Gulf is in
Secretary Salazar’s hands. Please tell the secretary not to let BP drill in the
Subject: Don’t Let BP Oil the Arctic
Your Letter:
I request that you, as head of the Department of the
Interior, deny BP's application to drill for the Liberty production drilling
project, slated to begin this fall in the Alaskan Arctic." Pravda, the semi-official voice of Russian leadership, stated that they
believe that WWIII will begin over the rights to the North Pole and Arctic area.
I assume that the rush for drilling is occasioned by the Russians planting
their flag on the Arctic sea floor and filing for possession with the UN and
the Canadians superior claims to the area, due to having residents in the area,
unlike anyone else.
Petroleum drilling in the US Arctic area seems like a questionable plan,
considering that Canadians are part of the UK Commonwealth. Even worse is
getting the US into a shooting war with nuclear weapons over drilling in a
pristine wildlife refuge, without letting the US people in on the matter. If
you bear a large part of the responsibility for killing off most of the
populations of the USA, Russia, and who knows how many others, because of
getting us into a nuclear war, I wouldn't think there would be any hole you
could hide in on or off the planet to avoid the consequences. I do hope you will pause and reconsider.
I'm piggybacking my
two cents in with others who are mainly concerned for, and aware of the
environmental consequences of drilling, so far. I agree with them about those
aspects of this matter. It seems that getting us into a nuclear war kind of
supercedes the rest of it, however.
"The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has called into question
BP's assurances about safety and response capability. Interior should therefore
reject BP's current Liberty drilling plan and defer any future consideration of
the project until the federal government has completed a full environmental
review that realistically takes into account BP's response capabilities in the
I further request that you defer any future approval until
and unless you can ensure that BP can devote adequate resources to any incident
that might occur in the Arctic.
BP has described its Arctic Liberty project as “one of its
biggest challenges to date.” If the project goes forward, Liberty's
ultra-extended reach wells will be the longest ever attempted. In order to
drill these unprecedented wells, BP had to commission the building of the
largest drilling rig in the world. Once drilled, BP's horizontal wells will be
more prone than traditional wells to gas kicks, which are the most common cause
of blowouts.
Despite the inherent dangers in experimenting with this
untested technology, the Interior Department's environmental review of the
Liberty project was lax at best. BP in fact wrote its own environmental
assessment of the impacts of the Liberty project. Not surprisingly, BP found
that there would be no significant impacts from the project and that the
possibility of an oil spill was low.
If anything, the Arctic is even more vulnerable to an oil
spill than the Gulf of Mexico. There is no technology for cleaning oil in
broken ice conditions. The sea-ice environment is extremely dynamic, and the
Arctic is subject to dangerous weather conditions, including high winds and
storms, that could seriously complicate any response to a spill. What's more,
there isn't the infrastructure or capacity to respond. The nearest Coast Guard
station is more than 1,000 miles away in Kodiak, and much of the oil spill
response equipment in the Arctic is more than 20 years old. Until BP makes an
affirmative showing, verified by the Department of the Interior, that it is
capable and ready to respond to a significant oil spill in the Arctic, the Liberty
project should not move forward.
The Interior Department has the legal right, as well as the
responsibility, to deny BP's application to drill at Liberty this year and
defer future approvals until it can guarantee there will not be a BP disaster
in the Arctic. Lax environmental review of BP's drilling plans led to the worst
environmental catastrophe in the history of this country. The Department of the
Interior must not allow BP to take its chances in the Arctic." I don’t believe the Department of Interior
should allow BP to take everyone else’s chances in the Arctic either. I think
we could muster a dual party majority of the US citizens who would agree that
we are not prepared to begin WWIII at this time.
"Your letter will be sent to the following recipient(s):
Ken Salazar, Secretary
U.S. Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20240"
Phone: (202) 208-3100
E-Mail: feedback@ios.doi.gov
Web: Feedback form
People and Bureaus:
- Employee Directory - available by phone (202) 208-3100
- National Park Service
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife
- Bureau of Indian Affairs
- Bureau of Land Management
- Office of Surface Mining
- Minerals Management Service
- U.S. Geological Survey
- Bureau of Reclamation
DOI Social Media
The Department of the Interior's primary social media outlets
YouTube: USInterior - short videos
- and your comments
Flickr: USInterior - feature photos
- from Interior news events
Twitter: @Interior - hashtag #usdoi
Twitter: @USInteriorJobs -
- hashtags #jobs #usdoi
Facebook: USInterior - Our
- Facebook page
Facebook: SecretarySalazar - The
- Secretary's Facebook page
Here is a link to the original page on the
Center for Biological Diversity's site:
Please pass this on as much as you are
willing and able to do. This could be
your chance to save the world.
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