Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Really Basic Nuclear Survival Stuff You Need To Know

Most people would only need two or three days of staying in a radiation fallout shelter before they could come out to get to a safer location, according to some of my research material. If you have to improvise a cramped, crowded shelter, spending 2-3 days there would not be pleasant. The alternative of slow death by radiation poisoning would be considerably less pleasant.

Knowing basic nuclear survival information can save your life and the lives of your loved ones. This is information you are likely to need in the near future. 

The two biggest nuclear powers, Russia and the USA are back to playing chicken with nukes again. Both countries as well as others, all want to strip the North Pole for their own benefit, and are willing to fight over it.

If, by some chance, nobody actually launches nukes in a war or terrorism, we have the power plants. The operators of world power plants are not exactly on top of things, as we recently saw in Japan. It is only a fluke that any other nuclear plant has not blown up by now. That could happen to any of them, at any time.

Now is your chance to get ready for these impending disasters. I have been trying to tell readers for the last several posts that you can survive a nuclear disaster, either an accident, through carelessness of operators or others, or an act of war. All you have to do is learn what to do, like "duck and cover", or how to build a shelter. 

Here is a quote from one of the nuclear preparedness sites: 

"The public, and especially our children, urgently need to be instructed in Civil Defense basics again. Like how most can save themselves by employing the old 'Duck & Cover' tactic, rather than just impulsively rushing to the nearest window to see what that 'big flash' was across town just-in-time to be shredded by the glass imploding inwards from the delayed blast wave. Even in the open, just laying flat, reduces by eight-fold the chances of being hit by debris from that brief, three second, tornado strength blast that, like lightning & thunder, could be delayed arriving anywhere from a fraction of a second to 20 seconds or more after that initial flash.

They need to also know if in the path far downwind of fallout coming, that evacuating perpendicular to that downwind drift of the fallout would be their best strategy. They must also be taught, if they can't evacuate in time, how to shelter-in-place while the radioactive fallout loses 90% of it's lethal intensity in the first seven hours and 99% of it in two days. For those requiring sheltering from fallout, the majority would only need two or three days of full-time hunkering down, not weeks on end, before safely joining the evacuation." 

Simply reading this and other blog posts about nuclear disaster survival, you have greatly improved your chances of surviving a nuclear disaster. If you share this information with your loved ones, you have allowed them to have the same improvement. 

I intend to share more details of nuclear disaster preparedness before I cover tornadoes again. I have been reading about the suffering caused by more than 100 of them hitting one small area of the USA. I feel very sad about that and hope that the people there will do Disaster Risk Reduction so the next round of tornadoes will not hit them as hard as this one did.

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