Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nuclear Disaster Preparedness

The average citizen of any country can feel powerless about preventing a nuclear disaster. We often forget that there are a lot more of us than there are "important" people with access to a button to launch those nukes and a nice safe shelter. The Occupy people told us that enough. They did not seem to accomplish a lot else, but the idea that we are the 99% of the population is a good thing for us to keep in mind.

The Occupy people did not agree on much except general dissatisfaction. I believe staying alive is something a lot of people can agree on.

The best way to survive a nuclear disaster is to not have one in the first place.  If we start nuclear weapons flying back and forth, most of us will die. Maybe we won't die right away, but nuclear radiation is one of those "gifts" that keeps on giving. They are finding radioactive fish due to the Japanese nuclear accident still. We can expect this to continue.

According to materials I read to research this post, a family in Nagasaki were in a large shelter when the US nuclear bomb detonated there. They were less than two miles from ground zero. They did not even have closed doors on the shelter they were in, but they survived the nuclear blast.

Ordinarily, people who are in normal buildings so close to ground zero are killed immediately. This tells us that nuclear bomb detonations are survivable. I have found a great number of sites about nuclear bomb detonations and accidents. Many of them have information to allow you to learn enough to survive. There is a great deal of information, including whole books about this.

I am working my way through it and plan to share it on this blog. It will require a great many posts to do this. I always hope that readers will be motivated to study the information that I post about on their own. This blog is not set up for in depth coverage of all the topics I post here. If you really want to be prepared thoroughly, you need to know more than I post.

I believe that most of my readers do not or can not do a lot of studying on my post topics, elsewhere. Because of that, I make attempts to cover especially important topics more in depth. I believe that preparedness for surviving a nuclear disaster is especially important. 

One of the reasons that I place so much importance on surviving a nuclear disaster, is that I think almost all, or all of the people in the world will have to deal with the consequences of nuclear disaster. 

We have already experienced Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernova, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima  Daiichi. We can expect more nuclear disasters. Future nuclear disasters will most likely be worse than the aforementioned ones.

I plan to post first about what happens at different distances from Ground Zero of a nuclear blast. This allows one to understand what the hazards are and how to prepare to survive them.

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