Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Positive Effects From Diatomaceous Earth Continued

Some sources, including the links I provided yesterday, say that diatomaceous earth has many more benefits than parasite control and ridding your body of heavy metals.

It helps your hair and nails grow and be stronger. It also helps your bones and reduces risk of osteoporosis. Apparently it also helps arthritis sufferers. 

There was one benefit that sounded pretty far fetched to me, but maybe. Some people report that their hair not only does not go gray as fast, but sometimes reverses the graying process. Maybe that is why my hair has very little gray for my age? Some people ten or twenty years my junior have more gray than I do.

I don't think you can do better than diatomaceous earth for reasonably priced and effective protection of food storage, especially for grains.

A lot of different sites posting about diatomaceous kept referring to the same study. Below is a quote about it:

"Untreated control samples of wheat were completely riddled by the end of 6 months after initial exposure to insects. Results show that 4 Ibs. of diatomaceous earth per ton or grain would prevent infestations for 6 months, and 6 1bs. per ton would last 9 months. The 8-lbs.-per ton treatment was still effective when the experiment was terminated 12 months after initial exposure to insects. The results indicate that diatomaceous earth offers promise as a means of protecting seeds against insects, and it was concluded that more extensive trials should be undertaken with this material." 

The above quote was a scientific study of rates of preservation of grain correlated with the amount of diatomaceous earth applied. It came from this site:

It can be hard to come by studies about natural pest control. That is because most studies on pest control are funded by companies that make pesticides. Those companies want you to use their pesticides, so they prudently fund research that encourages that.

The big pharmaceutical companies are the same way. They fund research that encourages you to buy their products. They don't like competition from cheap stuff like diatomaceous earth.

I have mentioned it before, but don't think I can do it too much. MAKE SURE YOU GET THE RIGHT KIND OF DIATOMACEOUS EARTH! 

There are two main kinds of DE. One kind is what you put in swimming pool filters. You do not want that. It is bad stuff for taking inside of you. 

You want the food grade diatomaceous earth. It has a lower silica content. I like mine around 1% or less. It has not been treated with heat, which does something bad to it. They do that to the swimming pool filter kind. We don't want that inside us.

I am not recommending this, but I like to go to feed stores and veterinary supply stores to get my diatomaceous earth. In the US veterinary feeds and drugs have higher purity standards than those for humans and often cost 1/4 or less what the same item will go for in the animal supplies. 

We know the government does strange things. Sometimes those strange things can cost you a lot of money if you don't pay attention. Laws were passed in the US that require DE for human consumption to have more expensive labelling. It is exactly the same DE inside the package as the animal DE. I object to paying a lot of money for a label. It isn't as if it is a designer label, even. 

I am picturing chickens strutting around wearing little Gucci or Prada labels. :-) 


  1. This post is a few years old so my comment may never get seen but I've been taking food grade DE for about a year now, my hair and nails have grown like crazy but one thing J have noticed is at 44 years old I don't have a single grey hair. I did notice a couple of greys coming in several months before I started taking DE but they are literally gone. Both my mom and my sister started getting grey in there 20's so I've always just figured I would eventually get grey as well but so far so good. I don't know if DE is the reason because even before I started taking it I didn't have many grey hairs but I can attest to not having any since ive been taking it.

    1. Wow. I'm so glad that you commented because I was researching about gray hair and its causes and this site came up. In my mid 40s and seems like I got about 10 overnight so I'm researching ways to prevent and reverse. I'm going to try diamatacous along with molasses.

    2. My husband and I started taking it 3 weeks ago, and his very salt and pepper hair is now black again. I can't believe it!

  2. I take DE off and on but i do notice i have more falling hair than when i do not take DE...about 3 years ago, my mother was in her late 70s and she was feeling very sick, and her doctor told her she had a hole in her liver about the size of a quarter, but they did not give her any medicine because of her age and how much pain she was in, except to have her come in for monthly ex-rays to check on her liver progress. Well I doubled checked with my mom to make sure she wasn't taking anything and she told me she wasn't. So I gave her DE and told her not to let her doctor know what she was taking, because I figured WTH her health wasn't getting any better anyway. After taking DE for 4-5 months, her doctor was so surprised that the hole in her liver healed up and it only had a scab. She didn't need to go ex-rays every month anymore and my mother started feeling better too. Her gray hairs was turning all back to black, but she stopped taking DE because her neighbors was wondering why she were loosing her gray hairs and going back to black. (The senior home she lives at, she doesn't like the gossip about her, that's why she stopped taking DE to go back to being gray). As for her liver condition, I dont really know if it was the DE that healed her or it just healed itself, but she wasn't taking anything except for DE.
